In the context of the FID4SA and in cooperation with scholars in South Asian Studies, Heidelberg University Library hosts and maintains sustainable, database-driven bibliographies on various South Asian scholarly topics.
The data is presented with the discovery system VuFind, which was developed as open-source software. The layout and design of the bibliographies' web interface can be adapted individually. The bibliographical datasets are indexed by project staff in the union catalogue K10Plus using authority data from the Integrated Authority File (Gemeinsame Normdatei, GND). The re-use of existing title records and interfaces to national and international systems are beneficial for sustainable data management. With its modern search engine technology, VuFind provides a wide range of search options (i.e. facetting, Web2.0 features). An authentification option is also implemented for customised functions, such as search lists, favourites or tagging.

The Odisha Bibliography provides a focussed listing of research literature on the history, culture, religion and politics of the Indian state of Odisha/Orissa.

Naval Kishore Press Bibliography
The Naval Kishore Press (NKP) Bibliography serves as a reference tool for the publisher's printed works. The aim of the bibliography is to document NKP collections distributed in libraries worldwide in a central database.